


Emma hodges deskgram tv#
Store personnel, TV and radio people and others.

Then came a screening for record-album promotion, With the 5 starlet “Brides” and a popular hillbilly bandĬritics and disc jockeys saw the picture three weeks in ad¬ Shows on the stage of the State Theatre of Keel, togethei The arrival of Howard Keel, co-star of the picture, and JaclĬummings, producer, climaxed the big promotion campaignĪn opening day extra was the personal appearance for three Three weeks ahead, and an appealing trailer far in advance Complete coverage was obtainedĮspecially in stores where records were sold, thereby stimulat Thirty stores carried posters, counter cards and other material Ing night idea in the city’s show business history was the square*ĭance with hillbilly band in front of the theatre in conjunc Opening Night Square-Dance: Probably the most colorful open “Just Married” signs, with banners advertised the picture “Just Married” Parade : Open cars carried the “Brides” ant A simulated snow-ball fight took place in 100-degre The airport, by local critics and celebrities and a giant pile c Snowballs in July: The “Brides” were greeted, upon arrival a Located in a downtown parking lot, with local girls taking pai Romance in a Haystack: With a local jeweler’s cooperatioiĮngagement and wedding rings were planted in a haystac Were interviewed by 100 local teen-age girls in their modelir They modeled costumes from the picture in Style Shows an Later the “Seven Brides” repeated the visits. TV disc jockeys with the record-album of songs from the pi Widely publicized and successful contests in local annals.Īn attractive model dressed as a bride visited all radio ar. Were used in a “Baby Star” contest that was one of the mo Terrific attention -getters in press, on radio and TV.īaby photos of M-G-M stars, including those in the pictui
Emma hodges deskgram full#
In the picture, Houston had the full complement of “Sevenīrides”. Togethei with the five starlet “Brides” who actually appear The Houston Post ran a contest to select two local “Brides”. Sobbin’ Women” by Stephen Vincent Be net

Happily knitting little togas and refused to be ’em off, “sobbin’ and throbbin’.” Great paint¬ When the ancient roamin’ Romans kidnapped and most wholesale - abduction happened Men have been abducting reluctant maidens Here’s How M-G-M Launched A Great Attractioi Tion and should not be dragged out interminably. Physical problems should be capable of quick solu¬ The color laboratories - but they also believe that Willing to recognize that there may be a jam-up in Other exhibitors, not quite so rambunctious, are They believe that the film companies should find itĮasier - with less pictures being made - to furnish The product shortage and extract higher film rentals. Is deliberate on the part of distribution to further The more radical exhibitors will insist that this Has the shortage of prints been as acute as it VETERAN exhibitors, film buyers and bookersĪgree that never in the history of this business She has made such amount of wealth from her primary career as Dancer.Full text of " The Independent Film Journal (Jul 1954-Jul 1955)"Į VO TED t« tU B E STINT ER E STS H U* MOTI ON PI CTU REIN DUSTR Y She also has two older brothers.įamily Information Parents Name N/A Spouse Name N/A Children Name N/A Number of Children(s) N/A Partner Name N/A Relative(s) Name N/AĮmma Hodges net worth or net income is estimated to be between $1 Million – $5 Million dollars. Height N/A Weight N/A Bust – Waist – Hip N/A Hair Color N/A Eye Color N/A Shoe Size N/Aīefore she was famous, She joined the Dance Mom cast when she was 13 in 2016. Emma sun sign is Cancer and her birth flower is Larkspur & Water Lily.īirth date 21-Jul Day of Birth Monday Year of Birth 2003 Birth Sign Cancer Birth Sign Duality Passive Birth Sign Modality & Element Cardinal Water Opposite Sign Capricorn Bio / Wiki Full Name Emma Hodges Occupation Dancer Age 19 Date of Birth JPlace of Birth Iowa Star Sign Cancer Country United States Gender FemaleĮmma Hodges birthday is on 21-Jul-03 and she was born on Monday.
